\name{getNetAffx} \alias{getNetAffx} \alias{getNetAffx-methods} \alias{getNetAffx,ExpressionSet-method} \title{NetAffx Biological Annotations} \description{ Gets NetAffx Biological Annotations saved in the annotation package (Exon and Gene ST Affymetrix arrays). } \usage{ getNetAffx(object, type = "probeset") } \arguments{ \item{object}{'ExpressionSet' object (eg., result of rma())} \item{type}{Either 'probeset' or 'transcript', depending on what type of summaries were obtained.} } \details{ This retrieves NetAffx annotation saved in the (pd) annotation package - annotation(object). It is only available for Exon ST and Gene ST arrays. The 'type' argument should match the summarization target used to generate 'object'. The 'rma' method allows for two targets: 'probeset' (target='probeset') and 'transcript' (target='core', target='full', target='extended'). } \value{ 'AnnotatedDataFrame' that can be used as featureData(object) } \author{ Benilton Carvalho } \keyword{ classif }