\name{read.450k} \alias{read.450k} \title{ Parsing IDAT files from Illumina methylation arrays. } \description{ Parsing IDAT files from Illumina methylation arrays. } \usage{ read.450k(basenames, extended = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{basenames}{The basenames or filenames of the IDAT files. By basenames we mean the filename without the ending \code{_Grn.idat} or \code{_Red.idat} (such that each sample occur once). By filenames we mean filenames including \code{_Grn.idat} or \code{_Red.idat} (but only one of the colors)} \item{extended}{Should a \code{RGChannelSet} or a \code{RGChannelSetExtended} be returned. } \item{verbose}{Should the function be verbose?} } \value{ An object of class \code{RGChannelSet} or \code{RGChannelSetExtended}. } \author{ Kasper Daniel Hansen\email{khansen@jhsph.edu}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{read.450k.exp}} for a convenience function for reading an experiment, \code{\link{read.450k.sheet}} for reading a sample sheet and \code{\linkS4class{RGChannelSet}} for the output class. } \examples{ if(require(minfiData)) { baseDir <- system.file("extdata", package = "minfiData") RGSet <- read.450k(file.path(baseDir, "5723646052", c("5723646052_R02C02", "5723646052_R04C01"))) } }