\name{qcReport} \alias{qcReport} \title{ QC report for Illumina Infinium Human Methylation 450k arrays } \description{ Produces a PDF QC report for Illumina Infinium Human Methylation 450k arrays, useful for identifying failed samples. } \usage{ qcReport(rgSet, sampNames = NULL, sampGroups = NULL, pdf = "qcReport.pdf", maxSamplesPerPage = 24, controls = c("BISULFITE CONVERSION I", "BISULFITE CONVERSION II", "EXTENSION", "HYBRIDIZATION", "NON-POLYMORPHIC", "SPECIFICITY I", "SPECIFICITY II", "TARGET REMOVAL")) } \arguments{ \item{rgSet}{An object of class \code{RGChannelSet}.} \item{sampNames}{Sample names to be used for labels.} \item{sampGroups}{Sample groups to be used for labels.} \item{pdf}{Path and name of the PDF output file.} \item{maxSamplesPerPage}{Maximum number of samples to plot per page in those sections that plot each sample separately.} \item{controls}{The control probe types to include in the report.} } \details{ This function produces a QC report as a PDF file. It is a useful first step after reading in a new dataset to get an overview of quality and to flag potentially problematic samples. } \value{ No return value. A PDF is produced as a side-effect. } \author{ Martin Aryee \email{aryee@jhu.edu}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{mdsPlot}}, \code{\link{controlStripPlot}}, \code{\link{densityPlot}}, \code{\link{densityBeanPlot}} } \examples{ if (require(minfiData)) { names <- pData(RGsetEx)$Sample_Name groups <- pData(RGsetEx)$Sample_Group \dontrun{ qcReport(RGsetEx, sampNames=names, sampGroups=groups, pdf="qcReport.pdf") } } }