\name{dmpFinder} \alias{dmpFinder} \title{ Find differentially methylated positions } \description{ Identify CpGs where methylation is associated with a continuous or categorical phenotype. } \usage{ dmpFinder(dat, pheno, type = c("categorical", "continuous"), qCutoff = 1, shrinkVar = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{dat}{ A \code{MethylSet} or a \code{matrix}.} \item{pheno}{ The phenotype to be tested for association with methylation. } \item{type}{ Is the phenotype '\sQuote{continuous} or \sQuote{categorical}? } \item{qCutoff}{ DMPs with an FDR q-value greater than this will not be returned. } \item{shrinkVar}{ Should variance shrinkage be used? See details. } } \details{ This function tests each genomic position for association between methylation and a phenotype. Continuous phenotypes are tested with linear regression, while an F-test is used for categorical phenotypes. Variance shrinkage (\code{shrinkVar=TRUE}) is recommended when sample sizes are small (<10). The sample variances are squeezed by computing empirical Bayes posterior means using the \pkg{limma} package. } \value{ A table with one row per CpG. } \author{ Martin Aryee \email{aryee@jhu.edu}. } \seealso{ \code{\link[limma]{squeezeVar}} and the \pkg{limma} package in general. } \examples{ if (require(minfiData)) { grp <- pData(MsetEx)$Sample_Group MsetExSmall <- MsetEx[1:1e4,] # To speed up the example dmp <- dmpFinder(MsetExSmall, pheno=grp, type="categorical") sum(dmp$qval < 0.05, na.rm=TRUE) head(dmp) } }