\name{cgInAlign} \alias{cgInAlign} \title{Amount of CpGs} \description{Calculating amount of CpGs between alignments border} \usage{ cgInAlign(methData) } \arguments{ \item{methData}{An object of type list that contains information on the pairwise alignments and methylation status of all CpG motifs under study. Created by applying MethAlignNW()} } \details{ This function computes the amount of CpGs on the positions corresponds to genomic sequence over all sequences under study between the alignment borders. } \value{ Integer vector of CpG amount } \author{Arie Zackay <arie.zackay@mail.huji.ac.il>, Christine Steinhoff <steinhof@molgen.mpg.de>} \examples{ data(methData) cgInAlign(methData) } \keyword{graphs}