\name{ibestGUI-package} \alias{ibestGUI-package} \docType{package} \title{ ibestGUI } \description{ mcaGUI is a Simple GUI used in the analysis of microbial communities using RGtk2 and gWidgetsRGtk. } \details{ Further information is available in the following vignettes: \tabular{ll}{ \code{manual} \tab pmg (source, pdf)\cr } } \author{ Wade Copeland with original PMG source by John Verzani Authors: Wade K. Copeland, Vandhana Krishnan, Daniel Beck, Matt Settles, Zaid Abdo Authors: Wade K. Copeland, Vandhana Krishnan, Daniel Beck, Matt Settles, James Foster, Kyu-Chul Cho Mitch Day, Roxana Hickey, Ursel M.E. Schutte, Xia Zhou, Chris Williams, Larry J. Forney, Zaid Abdo Additional Input and Suggestions: John Verzani - Author of Original of the PMG Source Code used as a backend for mcaGUI. Maintainer: Wade K. Copeland URL: \url{http://www.ibest.uidaho.edu/ibest/index.php} } \keyword{ package }