% --- Source file: man/mask.Rd --- \name{mask} \alias{mask} \title{ Filtering/Masking expression data } \description{ Identyfying probes with binding affinity difference (BAD probes) between two groups of samples on the basis of expression data. } \usage{ mask(affy,exprlist=NULL,useExpr=TRUE,ind,PM=FALSE,verbose=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{affy}{An object of class \code{AffyBatch}.} \item{exprlist}{ A vector with probesetnames to be used. If NULL, all probesets are analyzed. } \item{useExpr}{ Logical. If 'TRUE', only expressed genes (see Details) are used. If 'FALSE', all probes are analyzed. } \item{ind}{ Numeric vector, with values 1 and 2, definining group assignement for samples in \code{affy}. } \item{PM}{ Logical. If 'TRUE', only probes with a mean pm value greater than the mean mm value are used.} \item{verbose}{ Logical. If 'TRUE', it writes out some messages indicating progress. If 'FALSE' nothing should be printed.} } \details{ The function \code{mask} identifies in expression data probes which binding affinity (BAD probes) differs between two groups of samples, e.g two species. The basic input data is \code{AffyBatch object}(expresssion data prepared using the function \code{ ReadAffy } from the library \code{ Affy}) and a vector defining group assignement of samples. As masking is based on expression values, only expressed probes should be used. As a default they are defined by the \code{ affy } function \code{ mas5calls} and condition of being expressed (having "P" value) in at least 90\% of samples from each group, but any set of probesets might be submitted with \code{ exprlist} argument. Probes are analyzed for difference in binding affinity between groups. Each probe is assigned a quality score, based on all pairwise probes' correlations within probesets (for details see vignette or paper). Probes' quality scores, their x and y coordinates on the microarray and the probeset names are stored in a matrix. } \value{ A list of two objects will be returned. \item{ probes }{A data frame with x,y coordinates, quality score and probeset for each analyzed probe.} \item{ notUsed }{If PM=TRUE: A vector with unused probes having a lower pm mean value than mm mean value.} } \references{ Dannemann et al, {The effects of probe binding affinity differences on gene expression measurements and how to deal with them}. Bioinformatics 2009 \\ Khaitovich et al,Parallel Patterns of Evolution in the Genomes and Transcriptomes of Humans and Chimpanzees, Science 2005} %% to do \author{ Michael Dannemann, Michael Lachmann } \seealso{ \code{\link{overlapExprExtMasks}, \link{prepareMaskedAffybatch}, \link{mas5calls}, \link{plotProbe} } } \examples{ data(AffyBatch) ## we provide 20 samples (10 for both human and chimpanzee) ## the first 10 entries are chimpanzee samples the last 10 from human ind.vec=rep(1:2,each=10) ## mask on AffyBatch with all genes exmask <- mask(newAffyBatch,ind=ind.vec,PM=TRUE,useExpr=FALSE) } \keyword{internal}