\name{pplacer2manta} \alias{pplacer2manta} \title{convert a pplacer taxinomic placement repository to a MANTA object} \description{ This function creates a single manta object by traversing a directory of directories of pplacer SQLite taxonomy databases (where each database called "taxtable.db" resides in a sub folder named by a single gene locus). } \usage{ pplacer2manta(dir, group.pattern='_([[:alpha:]]+)_', groups=c('coastal','costal','DCM','surface','upwelling'), uk.name='unknown', ...) } \arguments{ \item{dir}{directory of gene directories each with a single gene taxonomic read placement database.} \item{group.pattern}{the regular expression used to parse out the name of the different conditions/groups from the read names.} \item{groups}{the actual list of groups.} \item{uk.name}{the rowname to appear in each othe meta tabulation tables for the unplaceable reads.} \item{...}{additional parameters passed along to manta()} } \value{ A MANTA object } \seealso{ manta, in2manta } \examples{ KOG.SQLite.repo <- system.file('extdata','pplacer',package='manta') pplacer2manta(dir=KOG.SQLite.repo, groups=c('coastal','costal','DCM','surface','upwelling'), norm=FALSE, disp=FALSE ) }