\name{plot.manta} \alias{manta.ra} \alias{plot.manta} \title{Plot a MAnTA object} \description{ A MANTA RAy plot is designed for visualizing comparative meta-transcriptomics, but can be used in any case where fold change data assessment calls for displaying additional meta information. } \usage{ manta.ra(x, uniques=4, pair=nv(levels(x$samples$group)[1:2] , c('ref','obs')), nr=0, alpha = 0.01, normalize=FALSE, meta.level=names(x$meta.sum)[1], meta.lgnd.lim=6, lgd.pos='topright', lgd.cex=.75, lgd.trunk=FALSE, pie.lwd=1, annot=NULL, vrb.axlabs=TRUE, jitter=.43, border='black', rex=2, flat=FALSE, tail=.5, arms=.5, spine=1, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a MAnTA object.} \item{uniques}{a boolean specifying whether or not to plot the library-unique genes (those with zero counts in one or the other library).} \item{pair}{a named vector indicating the condition names and the corresponding the reference or observation status of each.} \item{nr}{a numeric value indicating the asymptotic normalization ratio line.} \item{alpha}{a statistical significance value.} \item{normalize}{A boolean specifying whether or not to normalize the counts into proportions.} \item{meta.level}{a number or string specifies which taxonomic level (which meta list element) should be used to generate the pie charts. 0 or FALSE indicates no pies should be drawn.} \item{meta.lgnd.lim}{an integer specifying the top n most common taxonomic levels to use in the pies and legend.} \item{lgd.pos}{a string specifying the general position of the legend (see the legend function documentation).} \item{lgd.trunk}{a boolean specifying if the legend should trunkate (for example) Genus species to G.species} \item{lgd.cex}{a numeric value specifying the character expansion for the legend text.} \item{pie.lwd}{the line thickness of the pie polygon border.} \item{annot}{a named vector of strings that match which points should be annotated in the plot. names indicate the colors of the text.} \item{vrb.axlabs}{a boolean indicating if verbose axis labels should be use to spell out exactly how the axes are calculated.} \item{jitter}{whether or not or how much to jitter the counts into surrounding, non-overlapping space.} \item{rex}{a numeric value specifying the radial expansion of the plot points.} \item{flat}{a boolean for the radial expansion of points as a function of both R and A axes.} \item{tail}{a numeric or boolean value indicating the line thickness of the two trailing curved significance lines of the RAy.} \item{arms}{a numeric or boolean value indicating the line thickness of the two leading straight separator lines of the RAy.} \item{spine}{a numeric or boolean value indicating the line thickness of the normalization line (whose y position is specified by mm).} \item{border}{a vector of strings used to color the borders of the points.} \item{...}{other parameters passed to plot.} } \value{ A MAnTA RAy plot. } \seealso{ maPlot, plotMA, raPlot, pies } \examples{ manta.path <- system.file("extdata","PapaGO-BLAST.results-diatoms.Rdata", package="manta") load(manta.path) plot(x, meta.lev='genus_sp') }