\name{outGenes} \alias{outGenes} \title{find the most significant or highest fold change outlier genes} \description{ . } \usage{ outGenes(x, n=50, p=.05, FC=1, A.pct=.05, uk.filter=NULL, method='BH', verbose=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a MANTA object.} \item{n}{number of genes to return.} \item{p}{adjusted p-value cut-off.} \item{FC}{fold change cut-off.} \item{A.pct}{percentage of genes that should be right most outliers.} \item{uk.filter}{a character vector of unknown gene name paterns to filter out (eg 'lcl').} \item{method}{multiple testing correction method from p.adjust} \item{verbose}{should the function print these results (or just return the table)} } \value{ a table of the outlier genes } \seealso{ topTags } \examples{ manta.path <- system.file("extdata","PapaGO-BLAST.results-diatoms.Rdata", package="manta") load(manta.path) de <- exactTest(x) outGenes(de) }