\name{metataxa2subcounts} \alias{metataxa2subcounts} \title{create a new (sub) count table out of a subcomponent of the metatranscriptome} \description{ A simple and easy way to pull a subcomponent transcriptome out of the metatranscriptome. This one line function is useful for those wanting to just see the count data for one species or to create a new DGE or manta object on a subset of data. } \usage{ metataxa2subcounts(x, meta.lev='species', taxa.filter) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a manta object.} \item{meta.lev}{the name of the taxinomic rank on which to subset.} \item{taxa.filter}{the name of the taxonomy at the meta.lev rank on which to subset.} } \value{ a count table } \seealso{ manta } \examples{ load(system.file('extdata','PapaGO-BLAST.results-diatoms.Rdata',package='manta')) metataxa2subcounts(x, meta.lev='species', taxa.filter='Pseudo-nitzschia granii') }