\name{makeSampleDF} \alias{makeSampleDF} \title{Make a Sample Dataframe for use in Initializing a MANTA object} \description{ The sample dataframe contains a row for each sample with a factor indicating grouping and library sizes. } \usage{ makeSampleDF(counts, group=factor(colnames(counts)), lib.size=colSums(counts)) } \arguments{ \item{counts}{first number} \item{group}{a factor specifying which of each of count columns belong to each of the two conditions.} \item{lib.size}{the sizes (cumulative counts) of each of the libraries.} } \value{ a sample dataframe } \seealso{ DGEList, manta, setLibrarySizes } \examples{ cts.path <- system.file("extdata","PapaGO-BWA.counts-diatoms.tab", package="manta") cts <- read.delim(cts.path) sdf <- makeSampleDF(counts=cts) }