\name{plotGammaFit} \alias{plotGammaFit} \title{ plot the fitting results of \code{\link{gammaFitEM}} } \description{ plot the fitting results of \code{\link{gammaFitEM}}. It basically plot the histogram of M-values plus the estimated gamma density plots and their mixture. } \usage{ plotGammaFit(x, gammaFit = NULL, k = NULL, theta = NULL, shift = NULL, proportion = NULL, plotType = c("histogram", "density"), ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ a vector of M-values covering the whole genome } \item{gammaFit}{ a "gammaFit" class object returned by \code{\link{gammaFitEM}} } \item{k}{parameter k of gamma distribution} \item{theta}{parameter theta of gamma distribution} \item{shift}{parameter shift of gamma distribution} \item{proportion}{the proportion of two components (gamma distributions)} \item{plotType}{ determine the way to show the distribution of the input data, either histogram or density plot } \item{\dots}{ Other parameters used by \code{\link[graphics]{hist}} or \code{\link[graphics]{plot}} (for "density" plotType) function. } } \details{ This function is to visualize the fitting results, which helps us understand how well the fitting is. } \value{ Invisibly return TRUE if the plot is successful. } \author{ Pan DU } \seealso{ \code{\link{gammaFitEM}} } \examples{ data(example.lumiMethy) M <- exprs(example.lumiMethy) fittedGamma <- gammaFitEM(M[,1], initialFit=NULL, maxIteration=50, tol=0.0001, plotMode=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) plotGammaFit(M[,1], gammaFit=fittedGamma) } \keyword{methods}