\name{lumiT} \alias{lumiT} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Transfer the Illumina data to stabilize the variance } \description{ Transfer the Illumina data to stabilize the variance. } \usage{ lumiT(x.lumi, method = c("vst", 'log2', 'cubicRoot'), ifPlot = FALSE, simpleOutput = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x.lumi}{ LumiBatch object } \item{method}{ four methods are supported: "vst", "log2", "cubicRoot" } \item{ifPlot}{ determine whether to plot the intermediate results } \item{simpleOutput}{ determine whether to simplify the output LumiBatch object, which will set the se.exprs, detection and beadNum slots as NULL. } \item{verbose}{ a boolean to decide whether to print out some messages } \item{\dots}{ other parameters used by \code{\link{vst}} } } \details{ lumiT is an interface of difference variance stabilizing transformation. See \code{\link{vst}} for details of VST (Variance Stabilizing Transform) of Illumina data. NOTE: This correction of STDERR as STDEV was moved to the lumiR function. } \value{ Return a LumiBatch object with transformed expression values. It also includes the VST transform function and its parameters as attributes: "transformFun", "parameter". See \code{\link{inverseVST}} for details. } \references{ Lin, S.M., Du, P., Kibbe, W.A., (2008) 'Model-based Variance-stabilizing Transformation for Illumina Microarray Data', Nucleic Acids Res. 36, e11 } \author{ Pan Du, Simon Lin } \seealso{ \code{\link{vst}} } \examples{ ## load example data data(example.lumi) ## Do default VST variance stabilizing transform lumi.T <- lumiT(example.lumi, ifPlot=TRUE) } \keyword{ methods }