\name{boxplot,MethyLumiM-method} \docType{methods} \alias{boxplot,MethyLumiM-method} \title{boxplot of a MethyLumiM object} \description{ Creating a \code{\link[hdrcde]{hdr.boxplot}} of the M-value in a MethyLumiM object } \usage{ \S4method{boxplot}{MethyLumiM}(x, main, prob=c(seq(10,90, by=10), 95), col=gray(rev(seq(prob)/length(prob))), ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ a \code{\link{MethyLumiM-class}} object} \item{main}{ title of the boxplot } \item{prob}{ Probability coverage required for HDRs (highest density regions), see \code{\link[hdrcde]{hdr.boxplot}}} \item{col}{ the plot color to represent the data in different quantile levels} \item{\dots}{ optional arguments to \code{\link[hdrcde]{hdr.boxplot}}.} } \details{ Because the density plot of M-values usually includes two modes, using the traditional boxplot cannot accurately represent the distribution of the data. Here we use different color levels to represent the M-values in different quantile levels. The M-values locating outside the range of the maximum probability specified in "prob" are plotted as dots, which is similar with the outliers in the regular boxplot. } \seealso{ \code{\link{MethyLumiM-class}}, \code{\link[hdrcde]{hdr.boxplot}} and \code{\link{boxplot,ExpressionSet-method}} } \examples{ ## load example data data(example.lumiMethy) boxplot(example.lumiMethy) } \keyword{methods} \keyword{hplot}