\name{subsetIBSpectra} \alias{subsetIBSpectra} \title{ Subset IBSpectra objects } \description{ Returns an IBSpectra object which is a subset of the input, excluding or exclusively containing the peptides or proteins supplied. } \usage{ subsetIBSpectra(x, protein = NULL, peptide = NULL, direction = "exclude", specificity = c(REPORTERSPECIFIC, GROUPSPECIFIC, UNSPECIFIC), ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{IBSpectra object.} \item{protein}{Protein group identifiers. Use \code{\link{protein.g}} to get protein group identifiers from protein database ACs.} \item{peptide}{Peptide sequences.} \item{direction}{either 'include' or 'exclude'.} \item{specificity}{When 'protein' is supplied: Which peptides should be selected? See \code{\link{specificities}}.} \item{\dots}{Further arguments passed to \code{\link{spectrumSel}}} } \author{Florian P Breitwieser} \seealso{ \code{\link{protein.g}}, \code{\link{spectrumSel}}, \code{\link{specificities}} } \examples{ data(ibspiked_set1) # get Keratin proteins keratin.proteins <- protein.g(proteinGroup(ibspiked_set1),"Keratin") # exclude Keratin proteins subsetIBSpectra(ibspiked_set1,protein=keratin.proteins,direction="exclude") }