\name{iontree-package} \alias{iontree-package} \alias{iontree} \docType{package} \title{ MSn-iontree: Ion tree management and analysis } \description{ management and analysis of ion fragmentation data } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab iontree\cr Type: \tab Package\cr LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr } This package provides functions to retrieve MSn fragmentation data, build MS2/MS3 ion trees from ion-trap low resoultion mass spectrometry and to create a relational database (SQLite-based) for routine management of ion tree data. Other functions include metrics for MS2 spectral simialrity measurement, iontree plotting and DB operations. } \author{ Mingshu Cao \cr Maintainer: Mingshu Cao } \references{ JRAP -- a Java library was used for parsing mzXML and mzML \cr \url{http://sashimi.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/sashimi/trunk/jrap/stax/software/} \cr } \keyword{ package } \seealso{ } \examples{ }