\name{getMSnRaw} \alias{getMSnRaw} \title{ Get MSn raw data } \description{ query MSn data by the attribute of 'msLevel' and get MSn raw data into a R list. Users may just use function "saveMSnRaw" to retrieve ion tree from a data file and avoid a direct Java function call. } \usage{ getMSnRaw(msdata, msLevel = 2) } \arguments{ \item{msdata}{ msdata is a reference to a Java ArrayList. Obtained by calling getMSData Java function. msdata=.jcall("XCMS", "Ljava/util/ArrayList;","getMSData", filename); } \item{msLevel}{ msLevel in integer } } \details{ } \value{ \item{premz}{ancestral precursor ions} \item{rt}{retention time} \item{msn.sp}{a list of spectrum (m/z, intensity)} } \references{ } \author{ Mingshu Cao } \note{ MS1 data could be queried by msLevel=1. The return type is still a list but different components (rt, tic, sp). } \seealso{ %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ } \examples{ } \keyword{utilities}