\name{distMS2} \alias{distMS2} \title{ Distance metric for MS2 spectral similarity measurement } \description{ distance metric for MS2 spectral comparison. MS2 spectrum is provided as 2-col matrix. } \usage{ distMS2(a, b, topIon = 20) } \arguments{ \item{a}{MS2 spectrum} \item{b}{MS2 spectrum} \item{topIon}{the number of the most intense ions used for comparison} } \details{ } \value{ } \references{ Cao M, Koulman A, Johnson LJ, Lane GA and Rasmussen S. 2008. Plant Physiology. Vol.146 No.4 } \author{ Mingshu Cao } \note{ %% ~~further notes~~ } \seealso{ %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ } \examples{ } \keyword{ utilities } \keyword{ cluster }