\name{getClassif-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{getClassif-methods} \alias{getClassif,inversionList-method} \alias{getClassif} \title{ Overall classification } \description{ Classifies into inverted or non-inverted populations each chromosome in the sample. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{signature(object = "inversionList")}}{ for each of the inversions of the list, it returns the classification of each chromosome.} }} \usage{ getClassif(object, thBic, wROI, bin,geno,id,nmod) } \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{inversionList}. List of inversions obtained from a chromosome scan. } \item{thBic}{ \code{numeric}. BIC threshold above which significant segments are chosen for the final classification} \item{wROI}{\code{numeric}. ROI number from the list to select classification } \item{bin}{\code{logic}. Whether binary or continous classification is retrieved} \item{geno}{\code{logic}. Whether inversion genotype is retrieved} \item{id}{\code{character}. Vector of subject IDs} \item{nmod}{\code{numeric}. number of trial segments to be used in the classification counting from the trial segments with highest BIC downwards.} } \details{ The overall classification of chromosomes into inverted and non-inverted populations is given by the weighted average of the classifications obtained for each trial segment in the ROI, with BIC greater than \code{thBic}. } \value{ \code{numeric}. Vector with values between 0 and 1 representing membership to the non-inverted and inverted population respectively. } \author{ Alejandro Caceres \email{acaceres@creal.cat} } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{inversionList}} } \examples{ data(invList) r<-getClassif(invList) head(r) } \keyword{methods}