\name{codeHaplo} \alias{codeHaplo} \title{ Codes haplotypes into decimal integers } \description{ The function labels the haplotypes of size \code{blockSize} around each candidate brake-point. For labeling genotype data, the function takes objects of class \code{genoDat} as main argument. For phased data, this argument should be ignored and a file name passed instead. } \usage{ codeHaplo(objectGenoDat, blockSize, minAllele, saveRes = TRUE, file = NULL, ROI,intSNP=FALSE,phasing="inversion&BP") } \arguments{ \item{objectGenoDat}{ \code{Genodat} object; if phased data then provide \code{file} instead} \item{blockSize}{\code{numeric}. number of SNPs flanking each side of each candidate brake-point. Default value 3} \item{minAllele}{ \code{numeric}. minimum allele frequency for each probe to be considered as a candidate brake-point. Default value 0.1} \item{saveRes}{ \code{logical}. Whether results should be saved in file \code{hapCode.RData}} \item{file}{\code{character}. File name with phased data } \item{ROI}{ \code{numeric}. 2-vector specification passes a chromosome segment to be encoded. 4-vector specification passes the region of interest for the left brake-point (ROI[1] and ROI[2]) and the right brake-point (ROI[3] and ROI[4])} \item{intSNP}{\code{logical}. whether build flanking blocks of uniform SNP density across the genome.} \item{phasing}{\code{character}. Either c("ivenrsion&BP","forward", "forward&inverted"), defines the phasing strategy between all four flanking blocks of each break poin. ivenrsion&BP phases the internal flanking block first, then the external blocks to the internal bloks and match them. "forward" uses the blocks in the sequence assumming the forward population; in the inversion model, the backward population is obtained inverting the internal blocks. "forward&inverted" phases the forward and inverted population independently.} } \details{ When \code{setUpGenodat} is passed, the coding first computes the local haplotypes for each candidate-brake point form the genotype data and then encodes each haplotype into a decimal integer. The local haplotypes are computed with \code{haplo.em} form \code{haplo.stats} and assigns those with highest posterior probability to each chromosome. In the case of phased data, passed through \code{file}, no local haplotyping is needed and only the labeling is performed. } \value{ Object of class \code{HaploCode} } \author{ Alejandro Caceres \email{acaceres@creal.cat} } \references{ http://mayoresearch.mayo.edu/mayo/research/schaid_lab/software.cfm } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{GenoDat}}, \code{\linkS4class{HaploCode}}, } \examples{ data(gDat) hapCode <-codeHaplo(gDat,blockSize=3,minAllele=0.3,saveRes=FALSE) hapCode } \keyword{constructor}