\name{medianByPosition} \alias{medianByPosition} \title{Compute median quality for each nucleotide position} \description{ This function computes the median quality for each position in a read over all reads in a ShortReadQ object. } \usage{ medianByPosition(x, method = "Sanger", batchSize = 100000L) } \arguments{ \item{x}{object of class \code{ShortReadQ}, such as the result of function \code{readFastq}} \item{method}{string; passed on to function \code{intPhred}} \item{batchSize}{number of rows to process in each iteration; directly influences RAM usage of this function} } \details{ The quality values are computed for each batch of reads and stored as numeric \code{Rle} objects for each postion. In each iteration, the \code{Rle} object of the current batch is merged with the previous one in order to keep the RAM usage low. } \value{ A numeric vector of the median values per nucleotide position in the reads. The length of this vector corresponds to the length of the longest read in the data. } %\references{} \author{Joern Toedling} %\note{} \seealso{\code{\link{intPhred}}} \examples{ exDir <- system.file("extdata", package="girafe") ra <- readFastq(dirPath=exDir, pattern= "aravinSRNA_23_plus_adapter_excerpt.fastq") medianByPosition(ra, batchSize=200) } \keyword{manip}