\name{convertToBigMatrix} \alias{convertToBigMatrix} \title{Make standard matrices in a GenoSet filebacked bigmatrix objects} \usage{ convertToBigMatrix(object, prefix = "bigmat", path = "bigmat") } \arguments{ \item{object}{GenoSet} \item{prefix}{character, prefix for all bigmatrix related files} \item{path}{character, directory to be created for all bigmatrix files, can be pre-existing.} } \value{ GenoSet or related, updated copy of "object" } \description{ Make standard matrices in a GenoSet filebacked bigmatrix objects. Something like a factor can be obtained using integer assayDataElements with a "levels" attribute. The levels attribute will be maintained. Such objects will be stored as char on disk if there are < 128 levels, and integer otherwise. "nlevels" and "levels" will work on these objects as they only require the levels attribute. The "as.character" functionality of a factor can be obtained like this: levels(assayDataElement(ds,"geno"))[ ds[1:5,1:5,"geno"] ] for a GenoSet called "ds" with a factor-like element called "geno". } \examples{ \dontrun{ ds = convertToBigMatrix(ds) } } \author{ Peter M. Haverty \email{phaverty@gene.com} }