\name{BAFSet.to.ExpressionSets} \alias{BAFSet.to.ExpressionSets} \title{Make a pair of ExpressionSets from a BAFSet} \usage{ BAFSet.to.ExpressionSets(bs) } \arguments{ \item{bs}{A BAFset object} } \value{ A list with one ExpressionSet each for the baf and lrr data in the BAFSet object } \description{ Often it is convenient to have a more standard "ExpressionSet" rather than a BAFSet. For example, when using infrastructure dependent on the ExpressionSet slots, like limma or ExpressionSetOnDisk. This will create a list of two ExpressionSets, one each for the baf and lrr data. To make a single ExpressionSet, with the lrr data in the exprs slot and the baf data as an additional member of assayData, use the standard coercion eset = as(bafset,"ExpressionSet"). } \examples{ data(genoset) eset.list = BAFSet.to.ExpressionSets(baf.ds) } \author{ Peter M. Haverty }