\name{grid.norm} \alias{grid.norm} \title{Normalization by grid of Spot} \description{ This function normalize R and I values and fit the value of Cy5 for each grid in the spot that it receives as argument. In this function the dimension of grid is (meta-row * meta-column).} \usage{ grid.norm(mySpot, nr, nc) } \arguments{ \item{mySpot}{Spot object for one microarray.} \item{nr}{Total of meta-row.} \item{nc}{Total of meta-column.} } \value{ Spot object with the grid normalization done. } \examples{ data(Simon) ## background correction and save it in c.spot c.spot <- bg.correct(Simon) ## normalization and save it in n.spot n.spot <- grid.norm(c.spot, 23, 24) } \keyword{arith} \keyword{math}