\name{ncFlowSet} \alias{ncFlowSet<-} \alias{ncFlowSet} \alias{ncFlowSet-methods} \alias{ncFlowSet,GatingHierarchy-method} \alias{ncFlowSet,GatingSet-method} \alias{ncFlowSet<-,GatingHierarchy-method} \alias{ncFlowSet<-,GatingSet-method} \title{ Fetch or replace the ncdfFlowSet object in a GatingSet or GatingHierarchy } \description{ Accessor method that sets or replaces the ncdfFlowSet object in a GatingSet or GatingHierarchy } \usage{ \S4method{ncFlowSet}{GatingHierarchy}(x) \S4method{ncFlowSet}{GatingSet}(x) \S4method{ncFlowSet}{GatingSet}(x)<-value \S4method{ncFlowSet}{GatingSet}(x)<-value } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{ A \code{GatingHierarchy} or \code{GatingSet} } \item{value}{ The replacement \code{ncdfFlowSet} } } \details{ Accessor method that sets or replaces the ncdfFlowSet object in the GatingSet or GatingHierarchy. } \value{ Returns the object with the new ncdfFlowSet in place. } \author{ Greg Finak } \keyword{internal}