\name{ellipsoidGate2FlowJoVertices} \alias{ellipsoidGate2FlowJoVertices} \alias{ellipsoidGate2FlowJoVertices-methods} \alias{ellipsoidGate2FlowJoVertices,ellipsoidGate-method} \title{ Get the vertices of an ellipsoid gate needed to export it to flowJo } \description{ Fetches the top, bottom, right, and leftmost points of an ellipsoid gate (represented by a covariance matrix), for export to flowJo. } \usage{ \S4method{ellipsoidGate2FlowJoVertices}{ellipsoidGate}(gate, level = 0.95,...) } \arguments{ \item{gate}{ \code{ellipsoidGate} object. } \item{level}{ \code{numeric}. The quantile of the ellipse to be retrieved. Defaults to 0.95 (95\%) } \item{...}{ Additional arguments. Currently not used. } } \details{ flowJo's XML representation of ellipsoid gates uses the top, bottom,right, and leftmost points of the ellipse. This function retrieves those vertices given an \code{ellipsoidGate} flowCore object. } \value{ A \code{matrix} with two columns. Rows are the top, bottom, right, and leftmost points on the ellipse (rotated). } \references{ \url{http://www.rglab.org/} } \author{ Greg Finak \email{gfinak@fhrcr.org} } \note{ The implementation of this function is based on the \code{ellipse} function in the \code{ellipse} package. } \seealso{ \code{\link[ellipse]{ellipse}} } \examples{ require(flowCore) e<-ellipsoidGate(.gate={d<-diag(2);colnames(d)<-c("A","B");d},mean=c(2,2)) ellipsoidGate2FlowJoVertices(e); } \keyword{ manip }