\name{copyGatingHierarchyFromTo} \alias{copyGatingHierarchyFromTo} \alias{copyGatingHierarchyFromTo-methods} \alias{copyGatingHierarchyFromTo,GatingHierarchy,GatingSet-method} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Copy the gating tree from a GatingHierarchy to a GatingSet } \description{ Copies the gating structure from a GatingHierarchy to a (potentially empty or ungated) GatingSet. } \usage{ copyGatingHierarchyFromTo(a, b, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{a}{ A \code{GatingHierarchy} } \item{b}{ A \code{GatingSet} } \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments (currently not used). } } \details{ This function will copy the gating tree and gates from one GatingHierarchy to all the GatingHierarchy objects in a GatingSet. Can be useful if the GatingSet contains ungated samples. } \value{ Returns a \code{GatingSet} with the new gates. } \author{ Greg Finak } \keyword{internal}