\name{extractParams} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{extractParams} \title{ Extract the transformation parameters from a flowTransResult } \description{ Extracts the transformation parameters from a \code{flowTransResult} object } \usage{ extractParams(x, dims = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ An object of type \code{flowTransResult} returned by a call to \code{flowTrans} } \item{dims}{ A character vector specifying the dimensions for which to extract transformation parameters. } } \value{ A list of length \code{length(dims)}. Each element contains a vector of parameters for transforming the particular dimension.The names of the list elements correspond to the names of the dimensions. } \references{Finak G, Perez JM, Weng A, Gottardo R. Optimizing Data Transformation for Flow Cytometry. (Submitted)} \author{ Greg Finak , Raphael Gottardo } \note{ \code{flowTrans} estimates common transformation parameters. } \seealso{ \code{\link{summary}}, \code{\link{flowTrans}}, \code{\link{flowTransResult}} } \examples{ m <- t(matrix(rnorm(10000),2)) colnames(m) <- c("A","B") m <- flowFrame(m) res <- flowTrans(m,"mclMultivBoxCox", c("A","B"), n2f=FALSE, parameters.only=FALSE) summary(res) extractParams(res) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ manip }