\name{plot.peaksDataset} \alias{plot} \alias{.plotpA} \alias{.plotpD} \alias{.plotcA} \title{Plotting functions for GCMS data objects} \description{Store the raw data and optionally, information regarding signal peaks for a number of GCMS runs} \usage{ .plotpD(object,runs=1:length(object@rawdata),mzind=1:nrow(object@rawdata[[1]]), mind=NULL,plotSampleLabels=TRUE,calcGlobalMax=FALSE,peakCex = 0.8,plotPeaks=TRUE, plotPeakBoundaries=FALSE,plotPeakLabels=FALSE,plotMergedPeakLabels=TRUE,mlwd=3, usePeaks=TRUE,plotAcrossRuns=FALSE,overlap=F,rtrange=NULL,cols=NULL,thin=1, max.near=median(object@rawrt[[1]]),how.near=50,scale.up=1,...) .plotpA(object,xlab="Peaks - run 1",ylab="Peaks - run 2",plotMatches=TRUE,matchPch=19,matchLwd=3, matchCex=.5,matchCol="black",col=colorpanel(50,"black","blue","white"), breaks=seq(0,1,length=51),...) .plotcA(object,alignment=1,...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{a \code{peaksDataset}, \code{peaksAlignment} or \code{clusterAlignment} object.} \item{runs}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: set of run indices to plot} \item{mzind}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: set of mass-to-charge indices to sum over (default, all)} \item{mind}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: matrix of aligned indices} \item{plotSampleLabels}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: logical, whether to display sample labels} \item{calcGlobalMax}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: logical, whether to calculate an overall maximum for scaling} \item{peakCex}{character expansion factor for peak labels} \item{plotPeaks}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: logical, whether to plot hashes for each peak} \item{plotPeakBoundaries}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: logical, whether to display peak boundaries} \item{plotPeakLabels}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: logical, whether to display peak labels} \item{plotMergedPeakLabels}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: logical, whether to display 'merged' peak labels} \item{mlwd}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: line width of lines indicating the alignment} \item{usePeaks}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: logical, whether to plot alignment of peaks (otherwise, scans)} \item{plotAcrossRuns}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: logical, whether to plot across peaks when unmatched peak is given} \item{overlap}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: logical, whether to plot TIC/XICs overlapping} \item{rtrange}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: vector of length 2 giving start and end of the X-axis} \item{cols}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: vector of colours (same length as the length of runs)} \item{thin}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: when \code{usePeaks=FALSE}, plot the alignment lines every \code{thin} values} \item{max.near}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: where to look for maximum} \item{how.near}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: how far away from \code{max.near} to look} \item{scale.up}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: a constant factor to scale the TICs} \item{plotMatches}{for \code{peaksDataset} only: logical, whether to plot matches} \item{xlab}{for \code{peaksAlignment} and \code{clusterAlignment} only: x-axis label} \item{ylab}{for \code{peaksAlignment} and \code{clusterAlignment} only: y-axis label} \item{matchPch}{for \code{peaksAlignment} and \code{clusterAlignment} only: match plotting character} \item{matchLwd}{for \code{peaksAlignment} and \code{clusterAlignment} only: match line width} \item{matchCex}{for \code{peaksAlignment} and \code{clusterAlignment} only: match character expansion factor} \item{matchCol}{for \code{peaksAlignment} and \code{clusterAlignment} only: match colour} \item{col}{for \code{peaksAlignment} and \code{clusterAlignment} only: vector of colours for colourscale} \item{breaks}{for \code{peaksAlignment} and \code{clusterAlignment} only: vector of breaks for colourscale} \item{alignment}{for \code{peaksAlignment} and \code{clusterAlignment} only: the set of alignments to plot} \item{...}{further arguments passed to the \code{plot} or \code{image} command} } \details{ For \code{peakDataset} objects, each TIC is scale to the maximum value (as specified by the \code{how.near} and \code{max.near} values). The many parameters gives considerable flexibility of how the TICs can be visualized. For \code{peakAlignment} objects, the similarity matrix is plotted and optionally, the set of matching peaks. \code{clusterAlignment} objects are just a collection of all pairwise \code{peakAlignment} objects. } \author{Mark Robinson} \references{ Mark D Robinson (2008). Methods for the analysis of gas chromatography - mass spectrometry data \emph{PhD dissertation} University of Melbourne. } \seealso{ \code{\link{plotImage}}, \code{\link{peaksDataset}} } \examples{ require(gcspikelite) # paths and files gcmsPath<-paste(.find.package("gcspikelite"),"data",sep="/") cdfFiles<-dir(gcmsPath,"CDF",full=TRUE) eluFiles<-dir(gcmsPath,"ELU",full=TRUE) # read data pd<-peaksDataset(cdfFiles[1:3],mz=seq(50,550),rtrange=c(7.5,8.5)) # image plot plot(pd,rtrange=c(7.5,8.5),plotPeaks=TRUE,plotPeakLabels=TRUE) } \keyword{classes}