\name{peaksAlignment-class} \alias{peaksAlignment-class} \alias{peaksAlignment-show} \alias{peaksAlignment-plot} \alias{peaksAlignment} \alias{show,peaksAlignment-method} \alias{plot,peaksAlignment-method} \title{Data Structure for pairwise alignment of 2 GCMS samples} \description{Store the raw data and optionally, information regarding signal peaks for a number of GCMS runs} \usage{peaksAlignment(d1,d2,t1,t2,gap=.5,D=1000,timedf=NULL,df=30,verbose=TRUE,usePeaks=TRUE,compress=TRUE)} \arguments{ \item{d1}{matrix of MS intensities for 1st sample (if doing a peak alignment, this contains peak apexes/areas; if doing a profile alignment, this contains scan intensities. Rows are m/z bins, columns are peaks/scans.} \item{d2}{matrix of MS intensities for 2nd sample} \item{t1}{vector of retention times for 1st sample} \item{t2}{vector of retention times for 2nd sample} \item{gap}{gap penalty for dynamic programming algorithm} \item{D}{time penalty (on same scale as retention time differences, \code{t1} and \code{t2})} \item{timedf}{list (length = the number of pairwise alignments) of matrices giving the expected time differences expected at each pair of peaks (used with \code{usePeaks}=\code{TRUE}.} \item{df}{integer, how far from the diagonal to go to calculate the similarity of peaks. Smaller value should run faster, but be careful not to choose too low.} \item{verbose}{logical, whether to print out info.} \item{usePeaks}{logical, \code{TRUE} uses \code{peakdata} list, \code{FALSE} uses \code{rawdata} list for computing similarity.} \item{compress}{logical, whether to compress the similarity matrix into a sparse format.} } \details{ peaksAlignment is a hold-all data structure of the raw and peak detection data. } \value{ \code{peaksAlignment} object } \author{Mark Robinson} \references{ Mark D Robinson (2008). Methods for the analysis of gas chromatography - mass spectrometry data \emph{PhD dissertation} University of Melbourne. } \seealso{ \code{\link{peaksDataset}}, \code{\link{clusterAlignment}} } \examples{ # see clusterAlignment, it calls peaksAlignment } \keyword{classes}