\name{parseELU} \alias{parseELU} \title{Parser for ELU files} \description{Reads ASCII ELU-format files from AMDIS (Automated Mass Spectral Deconvolution and Identification System)} \usage{parseELU(f,min.pc=.01,mz=seq(50,550),rt.cut=.008,rtrange=NULL)} \arguments{ \item{f}{ELU filename to read.} \item{min.pc}{minimum percent of maximum intensity.} \item{mz}{vector of mass-to-charge bins of raw data table.} \item{rt.cut}{the difference in retention time, below which peaks are merged together.} \item{rtrange}{retention time range to parse peaks from, can speed up parsing if only interested in a small region (must be \code{numeric} vector of length 2)} } \details{ \code{parseELU} will typically be called by \code{\link{addAMDISPeaks}}, not called directly. Peaks that are detected within \code{rt.cut} are merged together. This avoids peaks which are essentially overlapping. Fragments that are less than \code{min.pc} of the maximum intensity fragment are discarded. } \value{ \code{list} with components \code{peaks} (table of spectra -- rows are mass-to-charge and columns are the different detected peaks) and \code{tab} (table of features for each detection), according to what is stored in the ELU file. } \author{Mark Robinson} \references{ Mark D Robinson (2008). Methods for the analysis of gas chromatography - mass spectrometry data \emph{PhD dissertation} University of Melbourne. } \seealso{ \code{\link{addAMDISPeaks}} } \examples{ require(gcspikelite) # paths and files gcmsPath<-paste(.find.package("gcspikelite"),"data",sep="/") eluFiles<-dir(gcmsPath,"ELU",full=TRUE) # parse ELU file eluList<-parseELU(eluFiles[1]) } \keyword{manip}