\name{gatherInfo} \alias{gatherInfo} \title{Gathers abundance informations from an alignment} \description{ Given an alignment table (indices of matched peaks across several samples) such as that within a \code{progressiveAlignment} or \code{multipleAlignment} object, this routines goes through the raw data and collects the abundance of each fragment peak, as well as the retention times across the samples. } \usage{ gatherInfo(pD, obj, newind = NULL, method = c("apex"), findmzind = TRUE, useTIC = FALSE, top = NULL, intensity.cut = 0.05) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{pD}{a \code{peaksDataset} object, to get the abundance data from } \item{obj}{either a \code{multipleAlignment} or \code{progressiveAlignment} object} \item{newind}{list giving the } \item{method}{method used to gather abundance information, only \code{apex} implemented currently.} \item{findmzind}{logical, whether to take a subset of all m/z indices} \item{useTIC}{logical, whether to use total ion current for abundance summaries} \item{top}{only use the top \code{top} peaks} \item{intensity.cut}{percentage of the maximum intensity} } \details{ This procedure loops through the the table of matched peaks and gathers the } \value{ Returns a list (of lists) for each row in the alignment table. Each list has 3 elements: \item{mz}{a numerical vector of the m/z fragments used} \item{rt}{a numerical vector for the exact retention time of each peak across all samples} \item{data}{matrix of fragment intensities. If \code{useTIC=TRUE}, this matrix will have a single row} } \references{ Mark D Robinson (2008). Methods for the analysis of gas chromatography - mass spectrometry data \emph{PhD dissertation} University of Melbourne. } \author{Mark Robinson} \seealso{\code{\link{imputePeaks}}} \examples{ require(gcspikelite) # paths and files gcmsPath<-paste(.find.package("gcspikelite"),"data",sep="/") cdfFiles<-dir(gcmsPath,"CDF",full=TRUE) eluFiles<-dir(gcmsPath,"ELU",full=TRUE) # read data, peak detection results pd<-peaksDataset(cdfFiles[1:2],mz=seq(50,550),rtrange=c(7.5,8.5)) pd<-addAMDISPeaks(pd,eluFiles[1:2]) # multiple alignment ma<-multipleAlignment(pd,c(1,1),wn.gap=0.5,wn.D=.05,bw.gap=0.6,bw.D=.2,usePeaks=TRUE,filterMin=1,df=50,verbose=TRUE) # gather apex intensities d<-gatherInfo(pd,ma) # table of retention times nm<-list(paste("MP",1:length(d),sep=""),c("S1","S2")) rts<-matrix(unlist(sapply(d,.subset,"rt")),byrow=TRUE,nc=2,dimnames=nm) } \keyword{manip}