\name{betweenAlignment} \alias{betweenAlignment} \alias{betweenAlignment-class} \alias{betweenAlignment-show} \alias{show,betweenAlignment-method} \title{Data Structure for "between" alignment of many GCMS samples} \description{This function creates a "between" alignment (i.e. comparing merged peaks)} \usage{betweenAlignment(pD,cAList,pAList,impList,filterMin=3,gap=0.7,D=10,usePeaks=TRUE,df=30,verbose=TRUE)} \arguments{ \item{pD}{a \code{peaksDataset} object} \item{cAList}{\code{list} of \code{clusterAlignment} objects, one for each experimental group} \item{pAList}{\code{list} of \code{progressiveAlignment} objects, one for each experimental group} \item{impList}{\code{list} of imputation lists} \item{filterMin}{minimum number of peaks within a merged peak to be kept in the analysis} \item{gap}{gap parameter} \item{D}{retention time penalty parameter} \item{usePeaks}{logical, whether to use peaks (if \code{TRUE}) or the full 2D profile alignment (if \code{FALSE})} \item{df}{distance from diagonal to calculate similarity} \item{verbose}{logical, whether to print information} } \details{ \code{betweenAlignment} objects gives the data structure which stores the result of an alignment across several "pseudo" datasets. These pseudo datasets are constructed by merging the "within" alignments. } \value{ \code{betweenAlignment} object } \author{Mark Robinson} \references{ Mark D Robinson (2008). Methods for the analysis of gas chromatography - mass spectrometry data \emph{PhD dissertation} University of Melbourne. } \seealso{ \code{\link{multipleAlignment}} } \examples{ require(gcspikelite) # see 'multipleAlignment' } \keyword{classes}