\title{expandAsMatrix} \name{expandAsMatrix} \alias{expandAsMatrix} \description{ Expand scalar or vector to a matrix. } \usage{ expandAsMatrix(x, dim) } \arguments{ \item{x}{scalar, vector or matrix. If a vector, length must match one of the output dimensions.} \item{dim}{required dimension for the output matrix.} } \details{ This function expands a row or column vector to be a matrix. It is used internally in edgeR to convert offsets to a matrix. } \value{ Numeric matrix of dimension \code{dim}. } \author{Gordon Smyth} \examples{ expandAsMatrix(1:3,c(4,3)) expandAsMatrix(1:4,c(4,3)) } \seealso{ \code{\link{mglmLS}}. } \keyword{hplot}