\name{condLogLikDerDelta} \alias{condLogLikDerDelta} \title{Conditional Log-Likelihood in Terms of Delta} \description{Conditional negative binomial log-likelihood parameterized in terms of delta (\code{phi / (phi+1)}) } \usage{ condLogLikDerDelta(y, delta, grid = TRUE, der = 1, doSum = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{y}{matrix with count data (or pseudocounts)} \item{delta}{delta (\code{phi / (phi+1)})parameter of negative binomial} \item{grid}{logical, whether to calculate a grid over the values of delta} \item{der}{derivative, either 0 (the function), 1 (first derivative) or 2 (second derivative)} \item{doSum}{logical, whether to sum over samples or not (default \code{TRUE}} } \value{ vector or matrix of function/derivative evaluations} \details{ This function computes the individual tag conditional log-likelihood for each tag. It is necessary for computing both the common conditional log-likelihood and the weighted conditional log-likelihood, which are used to find the common and tagwise (moderated) estimates of the dispersion parameter. The delta scale for convenience (delta is bounded between 0 and 1). } \author{Mark Robinson, Davis McCarthy} \examples{ y1<-matrix(rnbinom(10,size=1,mu=10),nrow=5) v1<-seq(.1,.9,length=9) ll1<-condLogLikDerDelta(y1,v1,grid=TRUE,der=0,doSum=FALSE) ll2<-condLogLikDerDelta(y1,delta=.5,grid=FALSE,der=0) } \seealso{ \code{\link{commonCondLogLikDerDelta}} and \code{\link{weightedCondLogLikDerDelta}} rely on \code{condLogLikDerDelta}, and at a user level, \code{\link{estimateCommonDisp}} and \code{\link{estimateTagwiseDisp}} are used to estimate the common and (moderated) tagwise dispersion estimates, respectively. \code{condLogLikDerDelta} calls \code{condLogLikDerSize}, the function that does the mathematical calculations. } \keyword{file}