\name{dyebias-package} \alias{dyebias-package} \alias{dyebias} \docType{package} \title{ The GASSCO method for correcting for slide-dependent gene-specific dye bias } \description{ Many two-colour hybridizations suffer from a dye bias that is both gene-specific and slide-specific. The former depends on the content of the nucleotide used for labeling; the latter depends on the labeling percentage. The slide-dependency was hitherto not recognized, and made addressing the artefact impossible. Given a reasonable number of dye-swapped pairs of hybridizations, or of same vs. same hybridizations, both the gene- and slide-biases can be estimated and corrected using the GASSCO method (Margaritis et al., Mol. Sys. Biol. 5:266 (2009), doi:10.1038/msb.2009.21) } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab dyebias\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 1.7.1\cr Date: \tab 26 May 2010\cr Licence: \tab GPL-3\cr } } \author{ Philip Lijnzaad and Thanasis Margaritis\cr Philip Lijnzaad