\name{repeatMask-methods} \alias{repeatMask-methods} \alias{repeatMask} \title{Mask homopolymeric repeats.} \description{Mask homopolymeric repeats.} \details{\code{repeatMask-methods}: This function masks homopolymeric repeats longer than a given width. These are hot-spots of sequencing error and can confound the analysis. } \value{\code{repeatMask-methods}: A boolean vector where TRUE indicates a non-homopolymeric region. } \author{gemoritz} \arguments{\item{x}{An object. Either a \code{\link{deepSNV-class}} object or a \code{\link{DNAString}} with the nucleotide sequence.} \item{flank}{Boolean. Indicates whether the sites adjacent to the repeat should also be masked.} \item{w}{Integer. The minimal length at which repeats should be masked. Default \code{w=0}.} } \examples{data(HIVmix) which(repeatMask(HIVmix))} \alias{repeatMask,DNAString-method} \alias{repeatMask} \usage{\S4method{repeatMask}{DNAString}(x, w=5, flank=TRUE) \S4method{repeatMask}{deepSNV}(x, w=5, flank=TRUE) } \alias{repeatMask,deepSNV-method} \alias{repeatMask}