\name{cqnplot} \alias{cqnplot} \title{ Plot the systematic effect estimated as part of a CQN normalization.~ } \description{ This function plots the estimated systematic effect which are removed suring CQN normalization. } \usage{ cqnplot(x, n = 1, col = "grey60", ylab = "QR fit", xlab = "", type = "l", lty = 1, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ The result of a call to \code{cqn}; an object of class \code{cqn}.} \item{n}{ Which systematic effect is plotted.} \item{col}{ A vector of colors, as in \code{plot}.} \item{ylab}{ y-label as in \code{plot}.} \item{xlab}{ x-label as in \code{plot}.} \item{type}{ type, as in \code{plot}.} \item{lty}{ line type, as in \code{plot}.} \item{\dots}{ These arguments are passed to \code{matplot}} } \value{ This function is invoked for its side effect. } \author{ Kasper Daniel Hansen } \examples{ data(montgomery.subset) data(sizeFactors.subset) data(uCovar) cqn.subset <- cqn(montgomery.subset, lengths = uCovar$length, x = uCovar$gccontent, sizeFactors = sizeFactors.subset, verbose = TRUE) cqnplot(cqn.subset, n = 1) } \keyword{hplot}