\name{settings} \alias{settings} \alias{getSettings} \alias{setSettings} \title{ cellHTS2 HTML report settings } \description{ Functions to control the output of \code{\link{writeReport}} through session-wide or call-specific settings. } \usage{ setSettings(x) getSettings() } \arguments{ \item{x}{A named list of settings. See details for supported values.} } \details{ The \code{\link{writeReport}} function produces a complete audit trail of the analysis in the form of an HTML report. The content of this report is highly customizable though session-wide and also though call-specific settings. The former are supposed to be set using the \code{setSettings} function by providing a named nested list of values. The latter can be set by passing a similiar list on to \code{writeHTML} as the optional \code{settings} argument. The current values for all available settings can be queried using the \code{getSettings} function. Similar to the structure of the HTML report, the available settings are broken up into subsections, and the names of these subsection have to be matched by the names in the nestes list structure: \describe{ \item{plateList}{The settings for all the plots in the plate list section of the report. There are several sub-section: \describe{ \item{correlation}{The settings for the correlation plots: \describe{ \item{size}{The width in inches of the pdf device holding the plot. The default value is 7.5.} \item{fontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default value is 14.} \item{font}{The font used for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default is \code{"Helvetica"}.} \item{thumbFactor}{The factor by which the thumbnail png version of the plot is smaller compared to the high-resolution pdf version. The default value is 1.5.} \item{thumbFontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the thumbnail png version of the plot. The default value is 12.} } } \item{maplot}{The settings for the correlation plots: \describe{ \item{size}{The width in inches of the pdf device holding the plot. The default value is 7.5.} \item{fontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default value is 14.} \item{font}{The font used for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default is \code{"Helvetica"}.} \item{thumbFactor}{The factor by which the thumbnail png version of the plot is smaller compared to the high-resolution pdf version. The default value is 1.5.} \item{thumbFontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the thumbnail png version of the plot. The default value is 12.} } } \item{histograms}{The settings for the histogram plots: \describe{ \item{size}{The width in inches of the pdf device holding the plot. The default value is 8.} \item{fontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default value is 14.} \item{font}{The font used for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default is \code{"Helvetica"}.} \item{thumbFactor}{The factor by which the thumbnail png version of the plot is smaller compared to the high-resolution pdf version. The default value is 2.} \item{thumbFontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the thumbnail png version of the plot. The default value is 10.} \item{type}{The type of plot produced here. One in \emph{histogram} or \emph{density}. Both plot types have pros and cons: histograms can be misleading because of bin size artefacts, whereas density plots hide the sample size information.} } } \item{reproducibility}{The settings for the reproducibility plate plots: \describe{ \item{size}{The width in inches of the pdf device holding the plot. The default value is 8.} \item{fontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default value is 12.} \item{font}{The font used for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default is \code{"Helvetica"}.} \item{thumbFactor}{The factor by which the thumbnail png version of the plot is smaller compared to the high-resolution pdf version. The default value is 1.3.} \item{thumbFontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the thumbnail png version of the plot. The default value is 10.} \item{col}{The color range that gets passed on to \code{\link[prada]{plotPlate}} as argument \code{col}. The default value is \code{brewer.pal(9, "YlOrRd")}.} \item{range}{The data range that gets passed on to \code{plotPlate} as argument \code{xrange}. The default value is \code{ function(x) c(0, quantile(x, 0.95, na.rm=TRUE))}.} \item{include}{A logical indicating whether to create the plate plot or not. The default value is \code{FALSE}.} \item{map}{A logical indicating whether to tooltips containing the plate annotation for each well or not. The default value is \code{FALSE}.} } } \item{average}{The settings for the reproducibility plate plots: \describe{ \item{size}{The width in inches of the pdf device holding the plot. The default value is 8.} \item{fontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default value is 12.} \item{font}{The font used for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default is \code{"Helvetica"}.} \item{thumbFactor}{The factor by which the thumbnail png version of the plot is smaller compared to the high-resolution pdf version. The default value is 1.3.} \item{thumbFontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the thumbnail png version of the plot. The default value is 10.} \item{col}{The color range that gets passed on to \code{\link[prada]{plotPlate}} as argument \code{col}. The default value is \code{brewer.pal(9, "YlOrRd")}.} \item{range}{The data range that gets passed on to \code{plotPlate} as argument \code{xrange}. The default value is \code{ function(x) c(0, quantile(x, 0.95, na.rm=TRUE))}.} \item{include}{A logical indicating whether to create the plate plot or not. The default value is \code{FALSE}.} \item{map}{A logical indicating whether to tooltips containing the plate annotation for each well or not. The default value is \code{FALSE}.} } } \item{intensities}{The settings for the raw data plate plots: \describe{ \item{size}{The width in inches of the pdf device holding the plot. The default value is 8.} \item{fontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default value is 12.} \item{font}{The font used for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default is \code{"Helvetica"}.} \item{thumbFactor}{The factor by which the thumbnail png version of the plot is smaller compared to the high-resolution pdf version. The default value is 1.6.} \item{thumbFontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the thumbnail png version of the plot. The default value is 10.} \item{col}{The color range that gets passed on to \code{plotPlate} as argument \code{col}. The default value is \code{rev(brewer.pal(9, "RdBu"))}.} \item{range}{The data range that gets passed on to \code{plotPlate} as argument \code{xrange}. The default value is \code{function(x) quantile(x, c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE)}. A useful alternative setting here would be \code{function(x) c(-1,1) * max(abs(x), na.rm=TRUE)}, which forces a value of \code{0} to be white.} \item{include}{A logical indicating whether to create the plate plot or not. The default value is \code{FALSE}.} \item{map}{A logical indicating whether to tooltips containing the plate annotation for each well or not. The default value is \code{FALSE}.} } } } } \item{plateConfiguration}{This controls settings for the plate configuration part of the report. Available settings are: \describe{ \item{size}{The width in inches of the pdf device holding the plot. The default value is 14.} \item{fontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default value is 12.} \item{font}{The font used for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default is \code{"Helvetica"}.} \item{thumbFactor}{The factor by which the thumbnail png version of the plot is smaller compared to the high-resolution pdf version. The default value is 2.} \item{thumbFontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the thumbnail png version of the plot. The default value is 9.} \item{include}{A logical indicating whether to create the plate configuration plot or not. The default value is \code{TRUE}.} } } \item{plateSummaries}{This controls settings for the plate summary plots in the report. There are two sub-sections:} \describe{ \item{boxplot}{ \describe{ \item{size}{The width in inches of the pdf device holding the plot. The default value is 7.5.} \item{fontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default value is 12.} \item{font}{The font used for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default is \code{"Helvetica"}.} \item{thumbFactor}{The factor by which the thumbnail png version of the plot is smaller compared to the high-resolution pdf version. The default value is 1.5.} \item{thumbFontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the thumbnail png version of the plot. The default value is 11.} \item{col}{The colors used to fill the boxes. A vector of length two, where the first item specifies the color for the raw data panel and the second item specifies the color for the normalized data panel. The default value is \code{c("pink", "lightblue")}.} } } \item{controls}{ \describe{ \item{size}{The width in inches of the pdf device holding the plot. The default value is 7.5.} \item{fontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default value is 12.} \item{font}{The font used for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default is \code{"Helvetica"}.} \item{thumbFactor}{The factor by which the thumbnail png version of the plot is smaller compared to the high-resolution pdf version. The default value is 1.5.} \item{thumbFontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the thumbnail png version of the plot. The default value is 11.} } } } \item{screenSummary}{The settings for all the plots in the screen summary section of the report. There are several sub-section: \describe{ \item{scores}{The settings for summary screen image plots: \describe{ \item{size}{The width in inches of the pdf device holding the plot. The default value is 7.} \item{fontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default value is 10.} \item{font}{The font used for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default is \code{"Helvetica"}.} \item{thumbFactor}{The factor by which the thumbnail png version of the plot is smaller compared to the high-resolution pdf version. The default value is 1.} \item{thumbFontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the thumbnail png version of the plot. The default value is 9.} \item{col}{The color range used to map the data values into. This has to be a named list of length two, with the first item \code{posNeg} being the color range used when there are both positive and negative values, and the second item being the color range for positive values only. One usually wants the former to be centered on white to blend into the background, and the former to start from white. The default value is \code{list(posNeg=rev(brewer.pal(11, "RdBu"))[c(1:5, rep(6,3), 7:11)], pos=brewer.pal(9, "Greys"))}.} \item{aspect}{The aspect ratio of the plot. The default value is \code{1}.} \item{annotation}{An alternative character vector of annotation mappings. See \code{\link{imageScreen}} for details.} \item{map}{A logical indicating whether to tooltips containing the plate annotation for each well or not. The default value is \code{FALSE}.} \item{range}{The range of values into which the colors will be mapped. A numeric of length 2.} \item{nbImageBins}{The number of color bins used in the map. Default is 256.} \item{nbLegendBins}{The number of color bins shown in the legend. Default is 7.} } } \item{qqplot}{The settings for the Normal Q-Q plots: \describe{ \item{size}{The width in inches of the pdf device holding the plot. The default value is 7.} \item{fontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default value is 10.} \item{font}{The font used for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default is \code{"Helvetica"}.} \item{thumbFactor}{The factor by which the thumbnail png version of the plot is smaller compared to the high-resolution pdf version. The default value is 1.} \item{thumbFontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the thumbnail png version of the plot. The default value is 9.} } } \item{distribution}{The settings for the density distribution plot: \describe{ \item{size}{The width in inches of the pdf device holding the plot. The default value is 7.} \item{fontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default value is 10.} \item{font}{The font used for all the text in the pdf version of the plot. The default is \code{"Helvetica"}.} \item{thumbFactor}{The factor by which the thumbnail png version of the plot is smaller compared to the high-resolution pdf version. The default value is 1.} \item{thumbFontSize}{The point size of the font for all the text in the thumbnail png version of the plot. The default value is 9.} } } } } \item{screenResults}{The settings for the screen results panel: \describe{ \item{keepFieldPattern}{A regular expression indicating which column names to keep. Default is "^plate$|^well$|^score$|^wellAnno$|^finalWellAnno$|raw_|normalized_|GeneID|GeneSymbol".} \item{htmlMaxItems}{The maximal number of cells in the output table to produce an HTML table. Default is 20000.} \item{htmlLinks}{A data frame containing a \code{plate} column, a \code{well} column, followed by the columns containing the HTML hyper links to add to the output table. Default is \code{NULL}, no links.} } } \item{controls}{The settings for the annotation of control wells and other type of wells. Currently these are only two item: \describe{ \item{col}{A named vector of colors to be used across all plots for the annotation of the well types. Allowed values are: \code{sample}, \code{neg}, \code{controls}, \code{other}, \code{empty}, \code{flagged}, \code{act}, \code{inh} and \code{pos}. Additional user-defined well types that don't fall in any of these groups will be assigned a color from the palette defined in \code{otherCol}.} \item{col}{A color palette from which colors are drawn for well types not defined in \code{col}.} } } \item{controls}{Global report settings: \describe{ \item{ppi}{A numeric indicating the resolution of the screen. This parameter is used to generate PNG images. Large numbers produce large PNG images. Default is 72. } } } } } \value{ The current settings for \code{getSettings}. \code{setSettings} is called for its side effect of setting session-wide settings. } \author{ Florian Hahne } \seealso{ \code{\link{writeReport}} } \examples{ oset <- getSettings() oset setSettings(list(plateConfiguration=list(size=2), list(plateList=list(intensities=list(include=FALSE))))) getSettings() setSettings(oset) }