\name{rsa} \alias{rsa} \title{Perform RSA ranking on the screening results.} \description{ The RSA method ranks the resulting hit list of a screening experiment, taking into account the design of the screening library (i.e., multiple probes targeting the same effector molecule). } \usage{ rsa(x, geneColumn="GeneID", lowerBound=0, upperBound=1, reverse=FALSE, drop=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Object derived from class \code{\linkS4class{cellHTS}}.} \item{geneColumn}{The name of the well annotation column to be used for the grouping of effector molecules and probes.} \item{lowerBound}{The lower boundary parameter for the RSA algorithm.} \item{upperBound}{The upper boundary parameter for the RSA algorithm.} \item{reverse}{Boolean. Reverse the ranking.} \item{drop}{Boolean. Drop all probes from the analysis for which no effector molecule is defined.} } \details{ The input argument \code{x} has to be a \code{cellHTS2} object which has been scored, summarized and annotated. For details on the RSA algorithm please see the publication referenced below. } \value{ A data.frame with the following columns: \item{Value of argument \code{geneColumn}:}{the target molecule identifier.} \item{Plate:}{the plate identifier.} \item{Well:}{the well identifier.} \item{Score:}{the probe score in the screen.} \item{RSARank:}{the computed RSA rank.} \item{ScoreRank:}{the rank based on a simple cutoff scheme.} \item{PValue:}{the computed RSA $p$-value.} \item{RSAHit:}{the RSA hit flag.} \item{#HitWell:}{the number of probes counted as positive RSA hits for a given target molecule.} \item{#TotalWell:}{the total number of probes for a given target molecule.} \item{\%HitWell:}{the percentage of postive hits for a given molecule.} } \author{Florian Hahne \email{florian.hahne@novartis.com}} \references{ Renate Koenig, Chih-yuan Chiang, Buu P Tu, S Frank Yan, Paul D DeJesus, Angelica Romero, Tobias Bergauer, Anthony Orth, Ute Krueger, Yingyao Zhou & Sumit K Chanda: A probability-based approach for the analysis of large-scale RNAi screens \emph{NATURE METHODS | VOL.4 NO.10 | OCTOBER 2007 | 847} } \examples{ data(KcViabSmall) KcViabSmall <- scoreReplicates(KcViabSmall, sign="-", method="zscore") KcViabSmall <- summarizeReplicates(KcViabSmall, summary="mean") ranking <- rsa(KcViabSmall) head(ranking) } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{cellHTS}} } \keyword{manip}