\name{plotPlate} \alias{plotPlate} \title{Plot of a well plate} \usage{ plotPlate(file, labels = NULL, fileParser = readYeastGrower, getWellIds = getWellIdsTecan, calibration = identity, extractRowColumn = getRowColumn, cex = 0.05, scaleX = 1, scaleY = log2, strip.lines = 1.05, strip.cex = 0.8, xlab = "time", ylab = "log2(OD)", main = basename(file), scales = list(x = list(rot = 45)), ...) } \arguments{ \item{file}{file name} \item{labels}{\code{vector} of characters indicating the label of the wells} \item{fileParser}{the file parser which reads the file generated by the machine} \item{getWellIds}{function or vector. If getWellIds is a function its parameter is the parsed data of the file parsed by \code{fileParser}. It should return a vector containing the well identifiers, e.g. A01, A02, .. You can as well set the well identifiers as a vector directly} \item{calibration}{calibration function applied to the raw data (before scaleY is applied)} \item{extractRowColumn}{function which converts well identifiers into row and column names} \item{cex}{plot parameter} \item{scaleX}{factor which scales the x-axis} \item{scaleY}{function how to convert the y-axis ( e.g. log2 )} \item{strip.lines}{height in lines of the labels} \item{strip.cex}{text-size of the labels} \item{xlab}{plot parameter} \item{ylab}{plot parameter} \item{main}{plot parameter} \item{scales}{plot parameter} \item{...}{optional plot parameter. See details} } \description{ Plot of a well plate directly from a file using a lattice xyplot } \details{ All plot parameters are passed to the \code{\link{xyplot}} function } \examples{ plotPlate( system.file("extdata", "tecan_genios.txt", package="cellGrowth"), fileParser=readGenios) } \author{ Andreas Neudecker }