\name{GCcontent} \alias{GCcontent} \title{GC content computation for BSgenome} \usage{ GCcontent(obj, ..., view.width, as.prob = TRUE) } \description{Compute GC content in a certain region of a BSgenome object} \details{GC content is an interesting variable may be related to various biological questions. So we need a way to compute GC content in a certain region of a reference genome. GCcontent function is a wrapper around getSeq function in BSgenome package and \code{letterFrequency}, \code{letterFrequencyInSlidingView} in Biostrings package. if the \code{view.width} is specified, the GC content will be computed in the sliding view} \value{Numeric value indicate count or percentage} \author{Tengfei Yin} \arguments{\item{obj}{BSgenome object} \item{...}{Arguments passed to getSeq method for BSgenome package.} \item{view.width}{ Passed to \code{letterFrequencyInSlidingView}, the constant (e.g. 35, 48, 1000) size of the "window" to slide along \code{obj}. The specified \code{letters} are tabulated in each window of length \code{view.width}. The rows of the result (see value) correspond to the various windows.} \item{as.prob}{ If TRUE return percentage of GC content, otherwise return counts.} } \examples{ library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19) GCcontent(Hsapiens, GRanges("chr1", IRanges(1e6, 1e6 + 1000))) }