\name{imageProcessing} \alias{illuminaForeground} \alias{illuminaBackground} \alias{medianBackground} \alias{illuminaSharpen} \title{Image processing functions} \description{ Functions for obtaining bead intensity values from raw tiff images. The three commands with the illumina prefix attempt to emulate the image processing implemented by Illumina. The medianBackground function implements a more robust background calculation recommended by Smith et al. } \usage{ illuminaForeground(pixelMatrix, beadCoords) illuminaBackground(pixelMatrix, beadCoords) illuminaSharpen(pixelMatrix) medianBackground(pixelMatrix, beadCoords) } \arguments{ \item{pixelMatrix}{A matrix storing the individual pixel values of an image. Intended to be created by \code{\link{readTIFF}}, although any matrix can be passed as input.} \item{beadCoords}{Two column matrix with each row containing a pair of coordinates representing a bead centre.} } \value{ illuminaForeground, illuminaBackground and medianBackground return a vector of intensity values, with one entry for every row in the beadCoords argument. Any pairs of coordinates that fall outside the dimensions of the image return NA. illuminaSharpen returns a matrix with the same dimensions as the pixelMatrix argument. } \author{Mike Smith} \references{ Smith ML, Dunning MJ, Tavare S, Lynch AG. Identification and correction of previously unreported spatial phenomena using raw Illumina BeadArray data. \emph{BMC Bioinformatics} (2010) 11:208 } \keyword{manip}