\name{beadRegistrationData-class} \docType{class} \alias{beadRegistrationData-class} \alias{boxplot,beadRegistrationData-method} \title{Class "beadRegistrationData" } \description{ A class for storing information relating to the registration of the image. } \section{Slots/List Components}{ Objects of this class contain the following slots \tabular{ll}{ \code{layout}:\tab A list entry containing details of the structure of a BeadChip. By default entries for the number of sections, the number of segments per section and a logical value stating whether the chip is two colour are created. \cr \code{registrationData}:\tab A list with length equal to the total number of segments registered. Each entry contains a vector of the differences between the within bead-type variances calculated using randomly assigned bead IDs and those calculated using the provided bead IDs.\cr \code{coordinateData}:\tab A list with length equal to the total number of segments registered. Each entry contains the coordinates of the beads assigned to the segment, taken from the .locs file.\cr \code{cornerData}:\tab A list with length equal to the total number of segments registered. Each entry contains a set of four coordinate pairs that mark the corners of the segment within it's image. These can be extracted from the \code{coordinateData} and this slot may be removed at a later date. \cr \code{p95}:\tab A numeric vector storing the 95th percentile of bead intensities within each segment.\cr \code{imageLocations}:\tab Character vector storing the location of the tiff images of the array. These are obtained from the sectionData slot of the \code{\link[=beadLevelData-class]{beadLevelData}} object that was processed by \code{\link{checkRegistration}}, and are required for visualising the bead locations. \cr \code{metrics}:\tab A data.frame, where each line contains the appropriate entry from the Metrics.txt file. Currently not used, but may be later. \cr } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{boxplot(regScores, plotP95 = FALSE)}{} } } \seealso{\code{\link{checkRegistration}}} \author{Mike Smith} \keyword{classes}