\name{lassoClass} \alias{lassoClass} \title{Classify using the Lasso} \description{ Classify using the Lasso algorithm as implemented in the glmnet package } \usage{ lassoClass(object, groups) } \arguments{ \item{object}{object containing the expression measurements; currently the only method supported is one for ExpressionSet objects} \item{groups}{character string indicating the column containing the class membership} } \value{ object of class \code{glmnet} } \references{Goehlmann, H. and W. Talloen (2009). Gene Expression Studies Using Affymetrix Microarrays, Chapman \& Hall/CRC, pp. 183, 205 and 212.} \author{Willem Talloen} \seealso{\code{\link[glmnet]{glmnet}}} \examples{ if (require(ALL)){ data(ALL, package = "ALL") ALL <- addGeneInfo(ALL) ALL$BTtype <- as.factor(substr(ALL$BT,0,1)) resultLasso <- lassoClass(object = ALL, groups = "BTtype") plot(resultLasso, label = TRUE, main = "Lasso coefficients in relation to degree of penalization.") featResultLasso <- topTable(resultLasso, n = 15) } } \keyword{models}