\name{BufferInt-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{BufferInt-class} \alias{BufferInt} \alias{BufferInterface} \alias{BufferInterface,ANY-method} \alias{BufferInterface,data.frame-method} \alias{show,BufferInt-method} \title{Class "BufferInt"} \description{ An internal reference class container used by the \code{Consumer}-class to store functions that operate on the records stored in the \code{.records} field of the \code{Consumer}-class. Operations performed on the \code{.records} field by the \code{Consumer}-class include \code{length}, \code{append}, \code{subset}. Users have the options of modifying the behaviour of the above mentioned operations for records of different data types by declaring an S4 method \code{BufferInterface} that returns an object of \code{BufferInt}-class. } \section{Constructors}{ Instances from this class are constructed with calls to \code{BufferInt} constructor. } \section{Fields}{ \describe{ \item{\code{length}:}{Object of class \code{function} that returns the length of the records.} \item{\code{append}:}{Object of class \code{function} that appends records together. This function is called when a new records is read and is to be added to the existing buffer. } \item{\code{subset}:}{Object of class \code{function} that subsets records. This function is called when records have been yielded and are to be removed from the buffer} } } \section{Methods}{ Users have the option of controlling the beaviour of the functions \code{length}, \code{append} and \code{subset} used to manipulate the \code{.records} field of the \code{Consumer}-class by declaring a function \code{BufferInterface}. \describe{BufferInterface}{Returns an object of class \code{BufferInt} that holds functions for manipulating the record of the \code{Consumer} class. } } \author{Nishant Gopalakrishnan \url{ngopalak@fhcrc.org}} \seealso{ \code{\link{Streamer-package}}, \code{\linkS4class{Consumer}-class}. } \examples{ showClass("BufferInt") selectMethod("BufferInterface", "data.frame") } \keyword{classes}