\name{plot} \docType{methods} \alias{plot} \alias{plot-methods} \alias{plot,ANY,ANY-method} \alias{plot,PilotData,missing-method} \title{Empirical cumulative distribution function of p-values of the pilot data} \description{The function \code{plot} plots an empirical cumulative distribution function of p-values of the pilot data. The test statistics that are given as input to \code{\link{PilotData-class}} are transformed to two-sided p-values either using the normal or Student t distribution.} \usage{plot(x, y, \dots)} \arguments{ \item{x}{object of class \code{\link{PilotData-class}}} \item{y}{unused item} \item{\dots}{additional arguments given to \code{\link[graphics]{plot}} or \code{\link{par}}} } \details{ Empirical cumulative distribution function of p-values. The line at angle of 45 degrees represents the theoretical CDF of a uniform distribution as expected when all genes are non-differentially expressed. An accumulation of p-values near zero indicates a certain number of differentially expressed genes. } \author{Maarten van Iterson} \examples{ library(multtest) data(golub) teststat <- mt.teststat(golub, golub.cl) table(golub.cl) pd <- pilotData(name="golub", testStatistics=teststat, sampleSizeA=11, sampleSizeB=27) hist(pd) plot(pd) } \keyword{hplot}