\name{getInteraction} \alias{getInteraction} \title{Count genetic interactions within and between cellular organizational units} \description{ Count the number of genetic interactions within and between the elements of the interactome. } \usage{getInteraction(iMat, universe, interactome)} \arguments{ \item{iMat}{Interaction matrix. Each entry has value 0 or 1, representing positive or negative interaction of corresponding pairs of row and column, respectively.} \item{universe}{Character vector of gene names, e.g., array genes used in synthetic genetic array experiments (SGA)} \item{interactome}{ Adjacency matrix where row are gene names and columns are cellular organizational units. } } \value{ The returned value is a list of 2 matrices: \item{bwMat}{A interaction matrix that corresponds to the cellular organizational units interaction matrix where row and columns a organizational units names and the value inside the matrix are the number of genetic interactions they share.} \item{CDs}{Subset of the input interactome that shares interactions.} } \author{N. LeMeur} \examples{ ##Create the genetic interaction matrix gInt <- sample(c(0, 1), 25, TRUE) iMat <- matrix(gInt, nrow=5, ncol=5, dimnames=list(letters[1:5],letters[4:8])) ##Create the interactome cInt <- sample(c(0,1),30, TRUE) interactome <- matrix(cInt, nrow=6, ncol=5,dimnames=list(letters[2:7],LETTERS[1:5])) ## Reduce the genetic interaction matrix to match the gene present in ## the interactome reducediMat <- gi2Interactome(iMat, interactome) ## Get the interaction prey <- letters[1:20] myInteraction <- getInteraction(reducediMat, prey, interactome) } \keyword{ methods }