\name{simulate} \alias{simulate} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Simulate a model of class SBML} \description{ This function simulates a model given the report times and optional modulators. It uses \code{lsoda} of the odesolve package. } \usage{ simulate(model, times, modulator=NULL,X0=NULL, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{model}{ The model object to be simulated. Initial conditions are passed through this object.} \item{times}{ The sequence of time points to be sampled and provided as rows of the output matrix.} \item{modulator}{ Null if there are no modulators (default), a vector of numbers if there are steady state Vmax modulators, and a list of interpolating functions if there are time course Vmax modulators. } \item{X0}{ Override model initial conditions in simulations, particularly piece-wise perturbation simulations.} \item{...}{ For compatibility with \code{simulate} of the stats package.} } \details{ This is a wrapper for lsoda. } \value{ The data frame output that comes out of \code{lsoda}.} \references{For the folate cycle example given below: Morrison PF, Allegra CJ: Folate cycle kinetics in human breast cancer cells. JBiolChem 1989, 264(18):10552-10566.} \author{ Tom Radivoyevitch} \note{ Rules are implemented through time varying boundary conditions updated at each time point as a side effect within the (now internal) function \code{fderiv}. } \examples{ ##---- The following example performs a perturbation in PRPP from 5 to 50 uM in Curto et al.'s model. library(SBMLR) curto=readSBML(file.path(system.file(package="SBMLR"), "models/curto.xml")) out1=simulate(curto,seq(-20,0,1)) curto$species$PRPP$ic=50 out2=simulate(curto,0:70) outs=data.frame(rbind(out1,out2)) attach(outs) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(time,IMP,type="l") plot(time,HX,type="l") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) detach(outs) # which should be the same plots as curto=readSBMLR(file.path(system.file(package="SBMLR"), "models/curto.r")) out1=simulate(curto,seq(-20,0,1)) curto$species$PRPP$ic=50 out2=simulate(curto,0:70) outs=data.frame(rbind(out1,out2)) attach(outs) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(time,IMP,type="l") plot(time,HX,type="l") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) detach(outs) ##---- The following example uses fderiv to generate Morrison's folate system response to 1uM MTX morr=readSBMLR(file.path(system.file(package="SBMLR"), "models/morrison.r")) out1=simulate(morr,seq(-20,0,1)) morr$species$EMTX$ic=1 out2=simulate(morr,0:30) outs=data.frame(rbind(out1,out2)) attach(outs) par(mfrow=c(3,4)) plot(time,FH2b,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,FH2f,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,DHFRf,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,DHFRtot,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,CHOFH4,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,FH4,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,CH2FH4,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,CH3FH4,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,AICARsyn,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,MTR,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,TYMS,type="l",xlab="Hours") #plot(time,EMTX,type="l",xlab="Hours") plot(time,DHFReductase,type="l",xlab="Hours") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) detach(outs) morr$species$EMTX$ic=0 } \keyword{ math }% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS